The newest technology used to treat ingrown and involuted toenails.
Onyfix is the latest addition to our service offerings, giving us an alternative and less invasive option for treating Ingrown Toenails. There are many reasons that you may not be able to undergo Ingrown Toenail Surgery - needle phobia, diabetic, pregnant or breastfeeding, age, vascular disease etc. - Onyfix offers another way forward outside of surgery.
Onyfix uses a composite nail brace that reshapes the nail and ensures natural nail growth. Our Podiatrists will work with you to curate an individualised treatment plan. The entire process is pain-free, from start to finish and completely tailored to you.
Allow our experienced team of podiatrists to work with you.
Onyfix is the latest addition to our service offerings, giving us an alternative and less invasive option for treating Ingrown Toenails. There are many reasons that you may not be able to undergo Ingrown Toenail Surgery - needle phobia, diabetic, pregnant or breastfeeding, age, vascular disease etc. - Onyfix offers another way forward outside of surgery.
Onyfix uses a composite nail brace that reshapes the nail and ensures natural nail growth. Our Podiatrists will work with you to curate an individualised treatment plan. The entire process is pain-free, from start to finish and completely tailored to you.
Allow our experienced team of podiatrists to work with you.
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Sole Focus offers AfterPay as payment options for Swift Therapy, Lunula Laser Therapy, Orthotics, Footwear, Shockwave Therapy and Prolotherapy.
Sole Focus offers both AfterPay & Zip Pay as payment options for Swift Therapy, Lunula Laser Therapy, Orthotics and Footwear.
All Rights Reserved | Sole Focus Podiatry. Website by Hey Marketing
All Rights Reserved | Sole Focus Podiatry. Website by Hey Marketing